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ChEaTiNg In ScHoOl!!!!

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  • ChEaTiNg In ScHoOl!!!!

    dude my friend emailed me this just read it.

    ChEaTiNg In ScHoOl!
    (and get away with it)

    Most people say cheating is bad, and it's wrong. There is also that popular phrase everyone loves to use: "When you cheat, you're really cheating yourself." Is this true? I say: HELL NO! If you get away with cheating in school, GOOD GOING. I have cheated on tests, homework, projects and other assignments all through my scholastic career, beginning (at least from what I can recall) the 3rd grade, up through college. It's something I take pride in. I feel very good about myself when I cheat on a major exam and get away with it, and it's an art form that I continually improve upon as time goes by, new methods are discovered, and requirements change. I'm proud to say that out of the hundreds of times I've cheated, I've only been caught ONE time, and even that, was not my own fault directly. I will now share with you, the secrets of cheating in school.

    I have provided valuable information on my favorite cheating methods, and what to avoid when cheating. If you have further methods you would like to share with others, please write it here.

  • #2
    Re: ChEaTiNg In ScHoOl!!!!

    Originally posted by IQ
    dude my friend emailed me this just read it.

    ChEaTiNg In ScHoOl!
    (and get away with it)

    I have provided valuable information on my favorite cheating methods, and what to avoid when cheating. If you have further methods you would like to share with others, please write it here.
    eh. no you haven't.


    • #3
      Test & Assignment Copying

      This one is probably the most basic form of cheating during an exam. Particularly useful on multiple choice tests (since its pretty difficult to cheat via copying another person's paper on essay exams), you need to make sure you have the same form before you attempt to peek over at a neighbors papers. Oh yea, and make sure the person you are looking to cheat off of is smarter then you! Often, this method works best if you sit near the rear of the class, and make arrangements with your "cheating partner" before the class so you both know what's going on.

      For assignments, its pretty damn simple. Of course, you do want to change some stuff around so your paper, and your friends' are not identical. That's pretty much it though. Hey, 2 heads are better than 1 right?


      Easy to use
      Applicable in multiple situations


      Other person may be stupid
      Repeated peeking may give you away
      Different forms of test can thwart your efforts
      Difficult to use on essay exam's


      • #4
        Cheat Sheets
        This is another well-known method. Often, people write notes on their hands/arms, or on little slips of paper. DON'T DO THIS. ALWAYS computerize your cheat sheet notes. No matter how well you write, a computer will always be able to write smaller, and more legibly. Dependant upon your vision, I recommend using Times New Roman font, size 6. If you can read smaller then that, go to size 5 or even 4, if you cant, go to size 7. Times New Roman font is useful because its small, compact, and readable at tiny font sizes. I suggest printing out multiple copies of your cheat notes at different font sizes, and then selecting the one which suites you best. Also, don't print out freaking index card size notes. You want to keep the size to a minimum, so it is more easily concealed from the teacher's view. If you have a large amount of notes, its a good idea to make them double sided, unless your cheating method does not permit it.

        Here we have the SAME set of notes, all in Times New Roman font, but different sizes. Top left: size 6, top right: size 7, bottom: size 8. Clearly you can see how much of a difference size makes.

        Ways to conceal cheat sheets are critical. Here are several methods I have successfully used over the years:

        1) Putting them under your test papers. This one is pretty simple. Just hide your notes under the exam, and slide them out each time you need for viewing. Note: When doing this, DO NOT LOOK AT THE ****ING TEACHER. This is a common mistake cheaters make. This gives you away totally. Act calm, cool, collected, look at your notes, go back to the test, don't ever look at the teacher during your exam, period.

        2) Wear a hat. Have your notes taped to the inside of your cap, and take it off during the exam, unless your teacher has a habit of walking around the class, this works like a charm.

        3) The water bottle method. Similar to using a hat, except you take a water bottle (or soft drink if its allowed, but water is usually better). Now this part takes some pre-class preparation. You use a razor to slice the outside wrapping, and insert your notes (faced in) under the wrapping, which you then cleverly glue/tape back to the plastic bottle. During your test, you drink water, and get to look at your notes while being refreshed! This is almost impossible to detect, but remember, don't freakin stare at your bottle for 30 minutes while you are drinking!

        On the left, a perfectly normal looking bottle of cool refreshing Arrowhead mountain spring water. On the right, a close up look at something special inside. Now if only Arrowhead made bottles like that, they'd outsell Coke!

        4) Jotting down notes on your desk. I cheated my way through math by putting certain equations which I couldn't remember on my desk. Put your arm and a calculator over them, and your set. Got through a lot of tests that way. Once your done taking the test, rub the pen or pencil off of the desk. This is much easier then rubbing them off of your arm. Hell, you could even bring in some Windex in an old bottle of visine. That gets the job done real fast. A little bit risky if you're new to cheating, but for professionals it's really simple.

        5) Pocket notes. I would like to thank our friend Harrison for submitting the following, new and ingenious method of cheating. I haven't tried this personally but it sure sounds good. If you print up your cheat sheet in very small font this works very well. cut your cheat sheet into 2,3,4,5 or however many columns there are, then put a piece of tape on the back of it connecting all the pieces. this makes it so because they are in divisions so you can angle them best for you. Then use a shirt with a breast pocket, a looser shirt works better because this way if the pocket sticks out a little cause of the paper, it is not obvious there is something in the pocket. A tight shirt will make it look like you have one giant HUGE NIPPLE! You can also put money or things in there so if a teacher sees you glancing you can just pull out the money and say that you were just making sure the money was there. It works very well cause if you are looking down at the test, you just look in your pocket not very far from the test to see the cheat sheet. If the teacher walks by, just hit the cheat sheet and it folds down. This method works best with short things like vocabulary tests or formulas.

        6) Other methods. A number of people have suggested to me a few clever alternatives on how to conceal very small cheat notes. Mostly, they include the pen/pencil trick that you may already be aware of. If you have a mechanical pencil that you can take the eraser off of, roll up your cheat notes and stick it in the little compartment where the extra lead goes, during the test, simply take them out and use. The same can be done with pens that have those clear grip things.


        Easy to use
        Applicable in multiple situations
        No reliance on other people needed
        Evidence can be eaten for easy escape


        Cheaters frequently give themselves away by looking at teacher
        If your vision sucks, you're screwed
        Well known method, teachers always on lookout for notes


        • #5
          What a great invention by Texas Instruments (or whoever else made them first). These things are a life saver during math, econ, and some science courses. Obviously, it would look a bit odd if you are taking an English vocab test with your calculator, huh? These things are programmable in multiple ways. Advanced students know how to program on their own (or download from the web) actual programs which do the calculations for you. There are programs for EVERYTHING, from finding the area or volume of an object, to complex economic forecasting projections. All you gotta do is search for them. If you don't have access to get the actual program, your next best bet is to type in the formulas you will need (AND HOW TO USE THE FORMULAS) into your calculator. Also, a great place to store brief notes, even if your calculator doesn't allow for storing information in memory, or for stuff which sometimes cant be typed into the calculator memory (since the range of input is somewhat limited), is on the inside cover of your calculator.

          On the left, formulas which were too difficult to accurately enter into calculator memory are taped to inside cover, on right, notes for using formulas on an economics test.


          Lifesaver on math, econ, and some science courses
          Few teachers walk around and inspect calculator memory

          Not useful for English, History or similar subjects
          Difficult to use for some people with limited knowledge of calculators
          Graphing calculators are costly


          • #6
            Re: ChEaTiNg In ScHoOl!!!!

            Originally posted by Riaz
            Originally posted by IQ
            dude my friend emailed me this just read it.

            ChEaTiNg In ScHoOl!
            (and get away with it)

            I have provided valuable information on my favorite cheating methods, and what to avoid when cheating. If you have further methods you would like to share with others, please write it here.
            eh. no you haven't.

            saboor baash enghad hol nasho. biyaa in 3taash.


            • #7
              Using Pagers/Cell Phones

              This one was real popular for a short while, but its effectiveness has now been limited by professors. Mainly because it became SO easy to text message friends in a class (or outside even) with questions, answers, etc. Teachers now usually ask that you put such communication devices away before taking an exam. Of course, if your particular professor doesn't ask, then by all means, find a buddy, or 5, since you can send out messages to multiple people simultaneously, and text each other to paradise! Oh, make sure your vibrate/ringer is OFF when you do this, it wouldn't look so good to get 50 txt messages during a test now, would it? Oh, and new technologies even allow you to create databases of information, and certain handhelds allow you to access that information from your PDA!

              Another similar method is to use spy devices. No, I'm not kidding. Although I haven't done this personally, I have witnessed, and must say, was very impressed indeed. Obviously, the equipment required can be costly, but if you can afford it, by all means, go right ahead. Basically what you need is a set of 2 (or more if you like) of receivers and transmitters. You put the small, and nearly undetectable receivers in one ear, and then whisper into the transmitter to the other person who is also hooked up. In a small class, this may be somewhat difficult, but I've seen it pulled off to perfection.


              Quick, silent communication between peers
              Its ****ing cool

              Most teachers and schools have banned cell phones and pagers from classrooms
              Spy equipment is expensive, and can be unreliable


              • #8
                haha. beh nazare man too kelashayi ke beh reshtat marboot nistan taghalob eshkali isn't all about learning formulas, you also have to learn how to bullsh1t


                • #9
                  Signal Tapping

                  Unlike calculators or communication devices, this is a fairly low-tech method of cheating. You find a friend, or group of friends, and come up with signaling methods. Works well for multiple choice exams. Something like, cough is A, sneeze is B, stomp is C, clap is D...etc. Or you can use pencil taps, scratching or yawning, whatever. Just make sure everyone understand what is what so you all don't get confused and **** up. Oh, and also be sure to have the same form of the test! This method, when executed properly, works very well, and is near impossible to prove. Even if a teacher suspects you are cheating, they are likely to have little evidence of it!


                  No physical evidence
                  Useful on multiple choice exams


                  Peers can be confused and give/get wrong signals
                  Overdoing signals can become suspicious
                  Needs some practice so everyone is on the same page
                  Not useful for essay exams


                  • #10

                    Many teachers do allow these simply for relaxation purposes. Others dont have a policy one way or another. Of course, during wintertime, you can have a hood on and put the earpiece on without a teacher ever knowing. I recommend using a CD player over a walkman because you can have unlimited tracks and quickly forward to the next track, where in a walkman you are very limited. Record brief notes using a microphone and your computer and save them. Each piece of information for notes should be its own track, so you may end up with 40 or so tracks, but so what. You can just skip along till you find what you need. Listen to your own soothing voice while you get the answers and go have a Cadillac margarita on yourself afterwards!


                    It's cool
                    Able to provide excellent notes during essay exams


                    Difficult to hide/banned in many classrooms
                    Using a tape is near impossible for lengthy exams


                    • #11
                      Steal The Test

                      What better way to take a test to which you already have the questions and answers to! I've stolen several tests in my life, and its such a great feeling of success when you get away with it. Steal the test, whether its from a teachers desk, the answer book, previous students who have had the course, or whatever. Copy down the questions and answers if provided and there ya go! If no answers are given, well, go do some research you lazy bum. Oh, one word of advice here. Don't go around giving a copy of the exam to your whole grade. This is a mistake I made in 7th grade. I stole a History final from the teachers desk with this girl, and we went straight to Kinko's made 150 copies and gave them to everyone. Well, some loser bitch *** kid decided to tell the teacher what we did. What a punk! But there is always some student like that, so, give it a few close friends if you want, but limit the distribution!


                      YOU HAVE THE ****ING TEST IN ADVANCE


                      Very risky, often severe consequences if caught


                      • #12
                        Here is a list of things to AVOID doing when cheating.

                        1) During a test, never, ever, ever, EVER look at the teacher while cheating. This is a dead giveaway. You want to look like you are taking the test, and absolutely oblivious to everything else around you. Be calm, be cool, be collected and be focused. Looking up at the teacher to see if he/she is watching you just lets the whole ****ing world know you are doing something wrong and you know it. Don't even bother with a glance; there are probably 30-200 students in your class, depending on if you are in high school or college or what not. The teacher isn't gonna bother looking at you unless you give them a reason to. SO DON'T DO IT.

                        2) Don't make your cheat notes too small. If you force yourself to squint at the cheat notes, constantly move them around, etc, you will give yourself away. Make your notes large enough to be readable. Test your notes out, by sitting at a table at home, putting them in your lap, and making sure you can SEE them. It's also a very good idea to use bold/italic to emphasizing certain topics of importance. Also, related to this, don't make your notes too big either! I think the reason for that is pretty self-explanatory.

                        3) Don't go around bragging to the world. If you wanna tell a few friends of your plans, either before or after the act, well, go ahead. But in all reality, I don't see why ANYONE needs to know. This is something to keep to yourself. The more people who know, the higher your chances of some bitch telling the professor you cheated. Why do that to yourself? Keep the number of people who know you cheated to an absolute minimum.

                        One of our readers had this to add:

                        WATCH OUT FOR OTHER STUDENTS! I was surprised to see that you never mentioned this. This is especially important at colleges- in competitive programs. Geeky-***-hard-worker-sally-who-spent-hours-upon-hours-studying will be very JEALOUS if she sees that you are cheating your way into a better grade than she with a fraction of the effort.
                        4) Avoid sitting in the front of class, OR in the back. If you sit in the front, its pretty obvious why that's not a good idea. That's where the teacher can most easily see what you are up to. Sitting in the last row is also not smart; teachers are always suspicious of students who sit to the rear of the class, even when they claim to have "eye problems." Sit NEAR the back, but 2-3 rows from it, that way, you are far enough from the teacher to be able to pull off some maneuvers, and not raise their suspicion level.

                        5) Don't try to use those 3-ring binders with translucent covers. Common, how dumb can this be. I've seen more than one person put an entire 8.5 x 11 page of cheat notes on the front of their binder cover. Normally, a teacher makes you put all your books/binders etc on the floor. Have you tried reading from that distance? It's pretty difficult unless you make the font size fairly large. It just is not going to look right, and if the teacher decides to walk around the class you are really gonna be screwed.

                        6) During an essay, whether in-class or a homework assignment, avoid plagiarism. This may surprise you, but teachers KNOW. If you absolutely must plagiarize, do so in small amounts, not an entire paper. Many teachers now go online routinely to make sure your work is really yours, and not something you downloaded or bought off the internet. In addition to that, every student has their own unique writing style. If you've been writing a certain way all semester long, and suddenly your style is totally different, well, any alert teacher will notice this change.

                        7) Don't cheat when it doesn't count for much. Why bother cheating on some homework assignment worth 2 points when you have a big exam worth 100 points the next week. No reason to risk getting your professor suspicious about you over some worthless assignment. They will be on you like a hawk during the test. Save your cheating skills for the stuff that really counts.


                        • #13
                          If you're a girl, wear thigh-high tights and a s***t on the day of the test. Write all the answers on your thigh and cover it with your tights. During the test, roll down your tights and read your answers. Bonus: If the teacher tries to see what you're doing, this can count as sexual harassment. (I've done this countless times.)

                          -Get one of those really big Band-Aids. Stick it on your leg and write all the answers under it. During the test, peel it up and read the answers.

                          How to hide a CD player
                          -Make sure you have those little headphones that you stick inside your ear (less than $10 at Circuit City and they last FOREVER if you don't step on them), NOT the ones that go over your head. Wear a hooded sweatshirt with one of those kangaroo-looking pockets on the front. Cut a hole on the INSIDE of the pocket. Stick the CD player in there before class, run the earphone cord up the inside of the jacket, and put the earphones in your ears. Cover your ears with your hair. If your hair is too short for this, paint the cord and earphones a color close to your skin color (THE NIGHT BEFORE, DUMBASS!) and try to only use one earphone. You can move it from ear to ear depending on what side of you the teacher is on. If you notice the teacher looking at you funny, you can remove the earphone by casually reaching a hand up to scratch the side of your head or push your hair away from your face. This is way easy once you have practice.

                          -If possible, record over a CD that you don't like anymore, preferably by a well-known band. If worst comes to worst and you're caught (pretty hard to do: I've been really obvious on purpose so as to test my teachers and find limits-I STILL HAVE NEVER BEEN CAUGHT), the teacher will ask what you're listening to and you can show them the CD of, like, Eminem or Britney Spears (ew). They will NOT ask to hear it.


                          • #14
                            i will put more tomorrow. now i got to go.


                            • #15
                              pleas cop, nazanin don't lock this topic. i know i put another topic like this but this one has more details and to be honest after putting them here i remembered that there was a topic like this and it is hard to put it back ther so let's just leave it here if there isn't a problem.

