what is or was the most embarrassing moment of your life ?
mine: ye dafe ba dateam rafte boodim to ye hotele kheily shik, jaye geroon sham bokhorim, ghazamoon ke tamoom shod raftim kheyre saremoon to hayat ghadam bezanim,
az resturaunt oomadim biroon baad man jolo jolo dashtam rad mishodam az to hayate resturaunt, dateamam poshtam bood, dasht baham sohbat mikardam manam saramo charkhondam ke javabesho bedam, jolomo nadidam raftam to ye derakht looool khordam zamin hala fekr kon vasate hayate resturaunt hame daran sham mikhoran jaye shik,
yoho seda ghasho changala ghat shod hame bargashtan goftan "r u ok?" manam sorkh shode boodam boland shodam zoodi raftam, but kheily embarrassing bood dar eyne hal veryyy funny, khandamam gerefte bood to oon hiro viri loooooooool
hala share yours ye khorde bekhandim
mine: ye dafe ba dateam rafte boodim to ye hotele kheily shik, jaye geroon sham bokhorim, ghazamoon ke tamoom shod raftim kheyre saremoon to hayat ghadam bezanim,
az resturaunt oomadim biroon baad man jolo jolo dashtam rad mishodam az to hayate resturaunt, dateamam poshtam bood, dasht baham sohbat mikardam manam saramo charkhondam ke javabesho bedam, jolomo nadidam raftam to ye derakht looool khordam zamin hala fekr kon vasate hayate resturaunt hame daran sham mikhoran jaye shik,
yoho seda ghasho changala ghat shod hame bargashtan goftan "r u ok?" manam sorkh shode boodam boland shodam zoodi raftam, but kheily embarrassing bood dar eyne hal veryyy funny, khandamam gerefte bood to oon hiro viri loooooooool
hala share yours ye khorde bekhandim