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whas with the discussion board

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  • whas with the discussion board

    ummm i posted this same message in the other section of the discussions and then figured out after that umm, it was in the wrong section... my bad :P

    helllloo peoples
    whas with the fact that in order to understand half of the discussion stuff in this sites message board u have to be like in the 'inner group' its weird , there is no conversation that anyone can have that is not dominated by havaz_angiz, or mahroz etc. . i know everyone is entitled to an opinion and stuff, but there are a few people that do everything short of change every topic people post up here. Its not very welcoming when u read a discussion board and then find out its more like a chat between two people and everyone else has be marginalized. great site, i love everything about it other than the discussion board and the fact that it seems to focus on the few and forget the many.

    tapesh, i think its great that u reply to as many posts as u can, its always nice to see a site admin. that cares.

    Peace outttt
    take care all
    and dont take offense to what ive written, its my opinion, and u can think of it whichever way that you like. its a free world just dont attack me for it... cuz that just rude

  • #2

    because is special discussion board.
    Man Golameh Gamaram, Geireh Gamar hich mago, pisheh man joz sokhan sham va shekar hich mago!


    • #3
      loooool this mahroz cracks me up
      well its an open board so it can be both a personal conversation or a global conversation it all depends on the person who posts to target a wide attention

      thanks for your notice though shows that you care

      Reza G -={DJ TAPESH )=-
      Founder / Admin


      • #4
        hamash taghsiiiiiiire in mahroze eeeeeee akhe yeki chiz minvise miri chat mikoni onjaaaa!! eeeeeeeeee EEeeeeeeeee EEEEEE! akhe in che kariye!! vah vah vah vah roooooooot siaaaaaaah mahroz dafeye dige bebinam az in kara koniyaaaaaa dige khod dani hala man koota omadam khastam boland biam nashod!!

        jeddi nagiriyaa!! biay pedaramo dar biari bad :P i was jokin...



        • #5

          chi goftiiiiiiii???????????????
          ye ashi barat bepazam 4 vajab rogan dashteh basheh!

          :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

          no peace
          Man Golameh Gamaram, Geireh Gamar hich mago, pisheh man joz sokhan sham va shekar hich mago!


          • #6
            how old is mahroz???

            hey mahroz, how old are u? cuz u come across as being maybe 14 tops... just curiosity.... dont want to be harsh to a kiddd



            • #7

              i'm the same age as you!
              any question?
              Man Golameh Gamaram, Geireh Gamar hich mago, pisheh man joz sokhan sham va shekar hich mago!


              • #8
                ummm yah sure

                there is no way on Gods green earth that ure 18


                • #9

                  how do you know?
                  i know i look older
                  i don't know why all the KIDS see me older!
                  Man Golameh Gamaram, Geireh Gamar hich mago, pisheh man joz sokhan sham va shekar hich mago!


                  • #10

                    plus mahroz, half the time you are completely incohrent...
                    but then again i shouldnt insult you, because either u are new to the country and u engliiiish not to goo.... or, ure 12, in which case ure lack of grammatical correctness should be forgiven.


                    oh p.s to all the people who read this and think im being really mean to this mahroz character, in a former discussion she insulted those who were not 100% irooni, coming short of calling them vile and ungodly.... so yah im a lil bitter


                    • #11

                      Yeah you got a problem with it? too bad, deal with it!
                      good for you that your English is perfect!
                      I'd rather speak English the way that I do than being a big looser!
                      Man Golameh Gamaram, Geireh Gamar hich mago, pisheh man joz sokhan sham va shekar hich mago!


                      • #12

                        you just went and proved my point... there is no way in HELL that u are over the age of thirteen.... and therefore i do bot believe that i should even consider any of your comments to be legitimate.... and ummm no offense, but for someone who writes on a message board several times daily.... i dont think you have the right to call anyone a loser..... go out and get a hobby or something kiddooo

                        make some friends.... expand your horizons and your mind, and then maybe you wont be such a shallow person when you grow up

                        take care little one


                        • #13

                          to ageh 18 salet nabod digeh chi bodi
                          ingadr khengi ke nafahmidi. are man javabeh tamame meesagato dadam ke bebinam avalan chegadr bachei va chagadr porroie to ageh 18 salet bod mano ignor mikardi na inkeh har roz javabamo bedi onam eineh bacheha
                          har seni ham ke dashteh basham be khodam rabt dareh va aslanam ahmiat nemidam to mano chand sale bebini.
                          areh manam migam tarzeh neveshtaneh man bachegoneh bod ama to ke 18 saleteh khodet migi ke nemidonam dorosteh ya na to digeh chera injori raftar mikoni!!!
                          baba degeh vagan khejalat dareh, hanoz 18 saleteho raftareh bachegonato tagir nadadi
                          grow up man!

                          Man Golameh Gamaram, Geireh Gamar hich mago, pisheh man joz sokhan sham va shekar hich mago!


                          • #14
                            lol inja che ghad hame khasheno asabani hastan

                            Reza joon in forum ro jam kon ina alan ham diga ro mikoshan.
                            I'm a firestarter, Twisted firestarter !


                            • #15
                              this topic is now closed.....
                              Reza G -={DJ TAPESH )=-
                              Founder / Admin

