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My thoughts and prayers are with...

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  • My thoughts and prayers are with...

    Dear readers,

    As you probably heard, Masoud Jamali a hard working owner of Tapesh PBC Network, a good father, good friend, and a great husband lost his father last week. I was speaking with a mutualfriend of ours and we wanted to send him a little card from each internet site and its members. eworld records, iraniha, nimamusic and etc. have decided to do this as well. So. if you would like to send him a message please do; be sure to include your name and the location in which you are and we will give you one week to do so. We like to have this done by the 40th day passed from his father's death. We will gather all of your messages from all of these sites with the help of Reza G and other internet site executives and will post all messages on a post card. We will forward this to him to show that our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

    p.s. masoud jan, a dear friend I along with my dearest friend Reza G wanted to give our condolences to the Jamali family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you for ever.

    With regards,


  • #2
    khial nakon nabashi bedoneh to mimiram


    • #3
      sorry ama khastam saket beshinam hichi nagam nashod az bas ke jensam kharabeh ama faghat khastam ye tozih e kotah be in kamran jan bedam

      bebin azizam nemidonam ba masoud jamali kar mikoni ya na ya nesbateh chiz e digeh hast ama ta onja ke man midonam oun doost o yar o shafigh ee ke shoma migid masoud nist ,be har har man az margeh kasi khosh hal nemisham ama felan gham e 50,000 hezar nafar to delemoun hast + 500 nafareh digeh ke dar asareh enfejar e ghatar mordan + 500,000 ta ham avareh bezar khoda dard e inha ro az ro delemoun bar dareh
      badan mirim soragheh kasi ke pooleh mardoum ro bala keshideh va heez tar az khodesh khodesheh

      Tapesh jan sorry ageh zeeyadi rahat harf zadam
      khial nakon nabashi bedoneh to mimiram


      • #4
        Kazhal jan salam
        don't ever be sorry, this is an unrestricted forum as long as there are no bad words used :P so feel free to express yourself, also we live in a country were freedom of speech is allowed
        Reza G -={DJ TAPESH )=-
        Founder / Admin


        • #5
          HMM..reza....who is masoud jamali... is he in tapesh TV?
          i love persians


          • #6
            yes he is a partner of Tapesh TV
            Reza G -={DJ TAPESH )=-
            Founder / Admin


            • #7
              thanks reza
              i love persians


              • #8
                Dear kazhal

                Dear kazhal,

                Merci az inke mohtaramane harfato gofti. But I must say that everything you said was not relevant to anything that was posted by me. I didn't ask you come give Masoud Jamali money and I definately didn't ask you to come and bad mouth other people. I have one question for you what has the death of 50,000 people and the other 500 in qatar has to with Masoud Jamili's farthers death. Chera ma irooni hamishe bayad az in shake be oon shakhe bepparin. Secondly, you have a freedom of speech in american as reza said but that is to an extent that you don't harm anyone's reputation and I think you exceeded that limit. How do you know masoud stills money from people and how do you know that he is hizz? please enlighten us. I have nothing against you or anything that you said infact I appreciated your feedback but I don't think your argument was relevant to this topic at all and please address those question that I asked you. Lastly, Reza I am very disappointed in you. True that we all have freedom of speech but you as a Website owner, and some one who is the entertainment busisiness shouldn't let just anyone harm someone's reputation. We as Iranian need to learn what democracy is and we need to learn not to stick our nose where it doesn't belong. I am very very disappointed in your post reza. kazhal, your response is greatly appreciated.




                • #9
                  Kamran, Kazhal felan nistesh, yeh 2 hafteh barmigardeh. Agar javab mikhai u should come back in about 2 weeks to see if she has replied. Badesham hamoontor keh shoma az Masoud Jamali defa mikoni & behesh ehteram mizari motmaenam keh ounam she has her own reasons for feeling the way she does, adam keh alaki harf nemizaneh ta chizi ro nadooneh, mizaneh?? Shoma keh miyai inja vaseyeh reputaion e Masoud Jamali concern neshoon midi khob hatman dalayeleh khodeto dari & fekr mikoni keh arzeshesho dareh, the same goes for someone who doesn't agree w/ ur opinion, mosalaman ounam dalayeleh khodesho dareh. Banabarin shomaee keh harf az FAIR boodan mizani bayad ino bedooni keh just because u hear smtng that u don't agree w/ or smtng that's different from ur point of view dalil bar in nist keh eshtebas, right?
                  Beh har hal, hamoontor keh goftam ta yeh 2 hafteh digeh inja nist.


                  • #10

                    Man Golameh Gamaram, Geireh Gamar hich mago, pisheh man joz sokhan sham va shekar hich mago!


                    • #11
                      Faranaz joon

                      Farnaz joon,

                      salam omidvaram ke halet khoob bashe, merci as inke be poste man reply kardi, shoma dorost migi, manam ke goftam be hich kasi be ehterami nakardam va hich vaght nemikonam chon ma inja hame ba ham doostim. Vali ye chizi yedetoon bashe, va ghabool kon ke bishtare ma iroonia hala shomaro nemidoonam, be harfayee ke digaran migan kheili goosh midim. Agar ye nafar mige felani bade ma ham bedoone inke oono bedoonim va beshnasim, harfasho ghabool mikoni, manam khodam bazi oghat in kar ro mikonam. Man harf az "fair" zadam, vali azizam man kari nadaram ke shoma ki hasti, va chikareye, va az koja miay, va dar zendgie shakhsit che migzare (albatte behetoon bar nakhore, man shoma ro be onvane mesal migam) ma 3 doost, 3 ensan tasmim gereftim to ye kari ro anjam bedim be ehtram be masoud jamil va khanevadash. Aya shoma shenidi ke man biam begam felani az ki pool dozdide ye felani hize. Khanoome man adam bayad bazi oghat raayat kone ke chi mige va che hafayee mizane. Man faghat ghasdam ehteram bood goftam agar kasi chizi doost dare benevise va ma hamaro mifrestim va agar kasi doost nadare chizi benevise then chizi nanevise, zoor ke nist. Inja kheilia hastan ke momkene az kheilia khosheshoon nayad, hamin dooste khoobeboon TIMSAR momkene aslan az in poste man khoshesh nayad va chizi nanevesht. And to answer your question, Masoud Jamali is like a big brother or even a father to me, I am only 22 years old if you are wondering, He is a fine gentleman despite the fact what others say about him and what they think of him. I will do anything for him and I will not allow someone to come say something that is not true and trash talk another person based on the B/S that others say. if It is true then I will gladly take it, but until they have a valid reason then no. Everyone has their own opinion and it is respected. I am not telling anyone to agree with me. Certainly state your opinion but do not disrespect and criticize someone else's opinion. Once again I appologize for taking your time, you are a great person I love you as if you were my sister and Im sorry if I said something to offend you guys.

                      LONG LIVE IRAN



                      • #12
                        Kamran jan, bahat movafegham, harfat dorostan. Motmaen bash keh kasi ro offend nakardi aziz. Chizeh badi keh nagofti, etefaghan kheili nam polite hasti & merci az to keh reply kardi.


                        • #13
                          Thank you, farnaz,

                          hala az in serious talk gozashte, where are you from I mean where do you live, and what do you, that is if you don't mind me asking?


