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Doust / Friend

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  • Doust / Friend

    ميخ در ديوار
    سعي كن حتماً همه متن را تا آخرين جمله بخواني. از همه مهمتر جمله آخر است كه بايد خوانده شود.
    يكي بود يكي نبود، يك بچه كوچيك بداخلاقي بود. پدرش به او يك كيسه پر از ميخ و يك چكش داد و گفت هر وقت عصباني شدي، يك ميخ به ديوار روبرو بكوب.
    روز اول پسرك مجبور شد 37 ميخ به ديوار روبرو بكوبد. در روزها و هفته ها ي بعد كه پسرك توانست خلق و خوي خود را كنترل كند و كمتر عصباني شود، تعداد ميخهايي كه به ديوار كوفته بود رفته رفته كمتر شد. پسرك متوجه شد كه آسانتر آنست كه عصباني شدن خودش را كنترل كند تا آنكه ميخها را در ديوار سخت بكوبد.
    بالأخره به اين ترتيب روزي رسيد كه پسرك ديگر عادت عصباني شدن را ترك كرده بود و موضوع را به پدرش يادآوري كرد. پدر به او پيشنهاد كرد كه حالا به ازاء هر روزي كه عصباني نشود، يكي از ميخهايي را كه در طول مدت گذشته به ديوار كوبيده بوده است را از ديوار بيرون بكشد.


  • #2
    kheili ghashang bood, i know the concept seems easy to understand but it was definately a nice way to look at things a little bit differently. I think i might need to start taking up this method to try not to get so sensitive when it comes to things, but i dont show my anger. my anger is stuffed inside, which is not a good way to go about things. so id have to put a nail in the wall for everytime i dont share my feelings. thanks for the story!


    • #3
      cheghade adam gahi oghat az vojoode khodesh sharandeh mishe.
      geryam gereft




      • #4
        vase chi sharmade beshe adam? hame ye vaghti to zendegishoon eshtebah mikonan, hala in pesare moshkele controle asabaniyat dashte, man moshkele ebraze asabaniyat neimdoonam koodoomesh badtare hala to gerye nakon, eshkal nadare khanoom dorost mishe hame chiz.


        • #5
          This word was actually harder to define than I thought it would be.
          To get started, I checked the dictionary that stated a friend is "a
          person who knows and likes another, a person who favours and
          supports and a person who belongs to the same side or group."

          By those definitions I have hundreds, maybe thousands, of friends,
          but I truly believe it goes beyond these definitions. A friend must
          do much more than like you. To me, a friend is someone who knows all
          about you and likes you anyway. Being a friend means more than
          recognizing that no one is perfect, it means accepting it.

          I, like most people, have many flaws. My true friends not only
          tolerate these weaknesses but also love me because of them. They
          either help me see them myself without dwelling on them or they even
          help me to overcome some of these weaknesses. A friend is someone
          who doesn't ask you to change but helps you to grow.

          The most important quality a friend can demonstrate is loyalty. This
          means standing by you when the going gets a little rough, not just
          in the good times. It means standing up for you at all times, not
          letting others demean you in any way, and never taking advantage of
          you or treating you badly.

          Being supportive is yet another important quality in a friendship.
          This means cheering for you when things go your way, and being there
          during the bad times. Good friends allow you to make mistakes that
          you can learn from and forgive you for them. Loyalty, support,
          honesty and acceptance are so important to me that I would rather
          have 5 friends that fit my definition as opposed to 1000 "friends"
          that fit the dictionary definition.

          Unlike family, we choose our friends. If your "friends" aren't all
          of the things that are important to you, then you should ask
          yourself why you are calling them a friend.


          • #6
            A Friend ...
            Accepts you as you are.
            Believes in you.
            Calls you just to say "hi."
            Doesn't give up on you.
            Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts).
            Forgives your mistakes.
            Gives unconditionally.
            Helps you.
            Invites you over.
            Just likes being with you.
            Keeps you close at heart.
            Loves you for who you are.
            Makes a difference in your life.
            Never judges you.
            Offers support.
            Picks you up.
            Quiets your fears.
            Raises your spirits.
            Says nice things about you.
            Tells you the truth when you need to hear it.
            Understands you.
            Values you.
            Walks beside you.
            X-plains things you don't understand.
            Yells when you won't listen.
            Zaps you back to reality.


            • #7
              merci az matne ghashangetoon ,,,gahi ma fekr mikonim hameh inaro midoonim vali age khob fekr konim mibinim ke roaayat nemikonim shayad khodkhahie ma ejaze nemide ,,,


              • #8

                I can't give solutions to all of
                life's problems, doubts, or fears.
                But I can listen to you and
                together we will search for answers.

                I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
                nor the future with it's untold stories.
                But I can be there now when you need me to care.

                I can't keep your
                feet from stumbling.
                I can only offer my hand
                that you may grasp it
                and not fall.

                Your joys, triumps, success,
                and happiness are not mine;
                Yet I can share in your laughter.

                Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
                I can only support you, encourage you,
                and help you when you ask.

                I can't prevent you from
                falling away from friendship,
                from your values, from me.
                I can only pray for you,
                talk to you, and wait for you.

                I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
                But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
                room to be yourself.

                I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
                But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
                and put them back in place.

                I can't tell you who you are.
                I can only love you and be your friend.


                • #9
                  My dear friend

                  Only you can make me feel so dearly
                  Only you can make me express so openly
                  Only you can make me laugh and smile so widely
                  Only you can make me cry so freely
                  Only you know how to lift up my spirit
                  Only you know how to appreciate me
                  Only you know how to understand me
                  Only you know how to say you like me
                  Only you are really willing to help me
                  Only you are really willing to honor me
                  Only you are really responsive to me
                  Only you really care for me
                  Only you I like to thank from my bottom of my heart
                  Only you I like to say I love you, you are wonderful
                  Friendship kind of love will never fade
                  I like you, too, my dear friend

                  Author unknown
                  A Friend Like You

                  There's lots of things
                  With which I'm blessed
                  My problems have been few
                  But of all, this one's the best
                  To have a friend like you.

                  In times of trouble
                  Friends will say
                  "Just ask, I'll help you through it."
                  But you don't wait for me to ask
                  You just get up and do it!

                  And I can think
                  of nothing more
                  That I could wisely do
                  Than know a friend
                  And be a friend

                  And have a friend like you
                  Good friends
                  The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch, swing with, never saying a word, and then walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've ever had.

                  You are that friend to me


                  • #10
                    Friends are who you need the most,
                    When times are not so right.
                    They come and go so frequently,
                    You hope you pick one right.

                    The right one listens with both ears,
                    And soothes your aching heart.
                    The right one never questions you,
                    When you seem to fall apart.

                    The friend for you is one who says,
                    "Be calm and let me help"
                    For there are some real bad days,
                    When life hits you below the belt.

                    All friends are not forever,
                    They are few and far between,
                    But the few true friends you do find,
                    Will never, ever leave.

