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Feel Normal if Your from a Different Race

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  • Feel Normal if Your from a Different Race

    I'm assuming you are foreign....Well, first of all, I am too (I'm not revealing which nationality I look like, but it's from my mom's side of the family) Yet, I'm enjoying life - why? Because I'm a strong person! Let me tell you a bit about myself - I look different, yet I don't feel any different - I feel like everybody else - but my looks have made me the butt of jokes and the object of abuse. People still try to insult and mock me, but when they see it doesn't bother me in the least, they back off and respect me - but who wants the respect of a racist anyway? So I'm sharing important things for you to survive and be yourself in the racist, narrow-minded world we all live in!


    Realize that there are a truck load of racists ready to find fault with you, and put you down because you look different.

    Mentally decide to prove them wrong! You are an amazing person! Love your inner self and let it shine through - whichever way that may be.

    If someone is mean to you or makes you feel bad, prove them wrong - take the higher ground, and use the event as a chance to grow as a person.

    Emulate someone like a family member or someone famous who was discriminated against. Decide to follow their lead.

    You've got your own personality and are gifted and talented - don't let ANYBODY take that away from you.
    Be bold, be brave, BE DIFFERENT!
    Choose friends wisely!


    Excel in school.
    Learn to play an instrument.
    Be a rocker, singer, rapper...Everyone likes good music!
    Get together with loads of different people.
    The whole point is not caring about how others think you look - it doesn't matter. Just be you!



  • #2
    i have an interesting point to bring up:
    I have always had a very diverse group of friends around me, but i have come to realize that even in a group when there are multiple people of the same ethnicity, they band together and not necessariliy are racist against others who are not of their race, but they tend to look at their nationality as being dominant in their group, try to do more events that are of their own nationality, etc. Not that these friends have been closed minded to persian culture, in fact they suggested we go to persian restuarants even before i had the chance to say anything, or go to persian supermarkets to see how they are, learned persian words, fell in love with persian people and persian shirni, but i still feel that although my friends are tolerant, they still like to stick to their own culture more. i on the other hand am totally open to trying new things and being open.

    how does that work? any one have anything to share or add?


    • #3
      ta beh hal moshkeli dashti az in nazar golgol jan ?


      • #4
        people being racist against me? oh yeah! I had a teacher in middle school for my gate humanities class who hated persians and as a result hated me. I was one of the smartest kids in the class and she didnt recommend me for honors english in highschool. when my state exams came back though for that year, i had placed in the 99%th percentile, so i was signed up for honors and the people in the highschool office were like why would your teacher not recommed with those kinds of grades and numbers? she was khoool! i went and saw the counselor, my mom and the counslor talked to her, she hated the fact that persians were so successful.

        had another teacher like that in highschool, then i found out half the people in power in my highschool are freaking racists. I went to a really really good highschool, really well known for its level of education offered (one of the best) but when it came to the damn honors chem teacher, she yelled and belittled everyone in class(there was a lot more going on, i just have chosen to block out the bad memories), and i lost my cool when i had not done one problem out of 30 or 40 and she took full points off. she was such an idiot, people cheated on the hw, and i actually took the time to do the hw. she had problems with everyone, but i didnt want to be in her class and i requested to be changed, she came into the principals office and said i needed more nurturing and thats how she was going to deal with me. so the principal and assistant principal said they would switch me in front of my mom, then the next day they call me in the office alone and said boro kashketo besab, hamine ke hast. those bastards! i got my class changed, but they could have only made it so one class changed, omadan adabam konan and they made me changed 4 of my 6 classes to spite me and get me to change my mind and stop. once i am determined to go through with something, even god cant stop me though. i got what i wanted, not easily and not exactly the most simple way, but i got it.

        the best way to deal with this kind of crap is to never give up or give in. if you show them that you wont stand for their crap, khodeshoon give up mikonan. you cant have nice good people around you all the time, and you need to deal with the ones that arent so nice and arent so good! these experiences make you stronger (i know these instances sound mild, i havent gone into any details, thats why they sound mild, i didnt want to bore everyone with the details)

